Thriller Paradise

Chapter 273 Battle for the Cape 16

Chapter 273 Battle for the Cape 16

Perhaps some might wonder where Feng Bujue got his bombs and parachute, how he met up with Two-Face, and what happened to Mr. Freeze...

Those details were rather unimportant, so they have been summarized below.

First, King of Shadows did not die from the explosion; he quit the game on his own. At the time, he believed that he might not die from the explosion and stayed in the ice to observe Feng Bujue and Mr. Freeze set up the bombs. After ten minutes of observation, he despaired. Even though he was not an expert, he could see how big the explosion would be, so he disconnected.

But Feng Bujue and Mr. Freeze still blew up the factory because... well, destroying the evidence was one reason, and the other was to continue Feng Bujue’s plan. After that, Feng Bujue hurried to Mr. Freeze’s other liar in the city. There, Prof Fries took one SCP-500 because he did not want to risk his wife, and his cold-blooded venom was cured. Then, Mr. Freeze truly believed that the medicine given to him was an ambrosia.

Prof Fries used the medicine to cure his wife. He did not even need to defrost her; the medicine not only cured her but also awakened her. Fries was in Feng Bujue’s debt, and that gave the latter a lot of bargaining power. Therefore, Feng Bujue got not only the low temperature armor and the freeze ray guns but all the criminal resource from Mr. Freeze. Of course, Feng Bujue would pay him back, but the price could be negotiated.

After getting all that, Feng Bujue instantly tried to reach out to Two-Face. Two-Face and Penguin both had actual businesses as cover. For Feng Bujue, finding them was not hard. The hard part was convincing Two-Face to cooperate with a nobody like him.

Fortunately, Brother Jue was a good salesman, and he knew these characters’ personalities. He showed off his ’special technology’, his inventory; stated his stance, that he was not a good person; and used Shield to block the bullets fired at him. Finally, Harvey Dent gave this traveler from another dimension a chance. He tossed a coin to see he would trust him or not. When everything was ready, it had been some time since the explosion. The police had naturally been notified and knew that this had something to do with the supervillains. This meant that the Network knew about it as well. Therefore, Feng Bujue believed that one superhero would come to take a look, and they might arrive alone. Then came the show between him and Tim.

If it was the fake Batman played by Jason Todd who had gone, then perhaps Feng Bujue would have been in danger. But a young man like Tim Drake was too easy to fool. His every move and action was within Feng Bujue’s prediction. This was not an issue of intellect but character setting. The good guys had too many things to worry about. Just one hostage or a scare that might hurt the public, and they would be limited. If the antagonists in the comic were all as cunning and held no bars like Feng Bujue, all the good guys would be long dead.


Tim was feeling drowsy. The heavy blow to his head had caused him to lose some of his memory, but he started to look around him. There was a camera before him and two lights on tripod, and there was only darkness behind him.

Looking around, the lit-up area around him was limited. He could only see about ten meters around him, and the rest was covered in darkness. Above him, he could see the high ceiling. Based on the curve of the roof, this should be a large warehouse.

"Hey, I’m not yet ready for my debut," Tim said.

"A joke is not going to change the situation, birdie," Two-Face suddenly said.

Tim lifted his head and saw Harvey Dent appear from the darkness. "Two-Face..."

"Mr. Dent and I have achieved a consensus." Feng Bujue finished adjusting the material and turned back to say, "Your death will be a wonderful performance."

"What do you plan to do, Traveler from another dimension?" Tim caught the camera from the corner of his eyes. "You and Two-Face..."

"Enough, Tim." Feng Bujue cut him off. "I haven’t even started the recording yet. If you want to leave behind clues in the video, at least wait for me to start the machine first."

"I will not die for no reason; the others will avenge me!" Tim was not afraid of death. That was one of the first things required as a superhero.

"That is what I am hoping for," Feng Bujue replied. "The faster the revenge comes, the better. Hatred is motivation, Tim, but sometimes... hatred will blind people’s eyes."

"Kid, I’m giving you a warning. Don’t say crazy things before the camera," Two-Face reminded Feng Bujue.

"This is not a live stream." Feng Bujue shrugged.

"Haha..." Two-Face laughed mirthlessly

"Don’t worry, I am different from your useless underlings, Mr. Dent." Feng Bujue bowed and gestured for him to move away. "Now, please step back so that you do not show in the picture."

Two-Face’s lips twitched. He adjusted his suit corner and retreated into the darkness.

"Okay, before we start..." Feng Bujue took a roll of tape from the nearby table and taped Tim’s mouth.

"Hmm..." Tim tried his best, but that was all the sound that he could make. Right then, Feng Bujue activated the machine and started the recording.

"Citizens of Gotham City, hello." He stood before the camera and used his body to block Tim, who was tied on the chair. "First, let me introduce myself. I am a traveler from another dimension. You can call me John Doe.

"I was the person who dropped thousands of dollars on the streets and killed three officers."

When he heard that, Tim knew that things were serious. Earlier, what Feng Bujue had told him about law, as extreme as it was, was the truth. If Feng Bujue had a silver tongue, the police had no evidence to pin the crime to him. But now, Feng Bujue was standing before the camera without a mask and had admitted his crime. This meant that he did not mind doing something else before the camera like... killing a superhero.

"I believe many of you know my special guest." Feng Bujue turned around to show Tim behind him. "He is Robin, a young superhero, a member of the Network and Batman’s sidekick."

Feng Bujue left the camera and returned seconds later with a toolbelt. "This is a well-equipped toolbelt that can prove that he is the real Robin, not a random person I forced into a costume."

He swayed the belt before the camera.

"A grapple gun, flash bomb, smoke bomb, night vision googles... I believe the members from the Network will be able to tell their authenticity."

He put the belt down and took out a small dagger from his pocket. He walked one step forward and showed a maddening smile before the camera.

"Guess what I will do next? Haha... hahahaha..."

With the crazy laugh, Feng Bujue suddenly lunged toward Tim. He walked behind Tim and gripped the man’s hair in his left hand and held the dagger at Tim’s neck with his right hand. Since he could not speak, Tim tried blinking to leave behind clues, but Feng Bujue blocked most of his face. At that moment, facing death, Tim could not help but feel fear and despair.

"Citizens of Gotham, Captain Gordon and your officers, members of the Network, and that lad who calls himself Batman, yes, you know I’m talking about you..."

Feng Bujue did not use the dagger. He placed the dagger on Tim’s artery and continued.

"This is just the beginning... From this moment onward, my allies and I from another dimension, along with a new friend I just made in the city, will start a free hunting spree on the police, their families and the superheroes.

"And Harvey Dent, Mr. Two-Face, do you think you can be the boss here after the death of Black Mask? Haha... think again because death is coming for you too.

"No one can stop us, not even if Batman comes back alive. Those who do not wish to have blood on their hands... shut your mouth and return to your warm homes to quietly witness... the birth of this great moment."

The next second, the blade slashed Tim’s neck. Blood squirted out like a fountain, and a few droplets dripped on the camera. During Feng Bujue’s laugh, the video went black, and the recording ended.

Half a minute later...

When Feng Bujue pulled off the tape on Tim’s mouth, Tim said bluntly, "Why? What?"

"It’s called special effects." Feng Bujue showed his palm. Using the effect of the spiderweb gloves, a bag of fake blood was stuck to his palm. Even though it looked real in the recording, it was just a show.

"You people, take him away and lock him up." Two-Face’s voice rang from the dark. His people untied Tim from the chair and dragged him away.

Once they left, Two Face walked into the light and told Feng Bujue, "Your method had better work."

Feng Bujue was now standing behind the camera, checking the recording. "Don’t worry, I will make a few copies of this video and send them to all the broadcast stations in Gotham. In less than one hour, everyone in the city will see it. Then we will see the superheroes’ reaction. Haha... based on my prediction... before sunrise, Cobblepot will be dragged out from his lair."

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